Sony Tidbits…


Sirui vs Blazar – Which AF Anamorphic Should YOU Buy?

Today deals at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, FotoErhardt DE, FotoKoch DE.
How to Choose the Right Tripod Head (Explora).
Sigma 300-600 mm f/4 DG OS Sport – sample shots (Lenstip).
Another nail in the coffin for DSLRs as Sigma say no more new DSLR lenses (Amateur Photographer).
How to Collaborate with Other Photographers: A Guide You Need (42West).
Some Great APS-C Lenses That I Use on Full Frame Cameras (PetaPixel).
Tamron begins operations at new factory in Vietnam, strengthening global tripolar production structure in anticipation of business expansion (DClife).
Why Photographers Look Forward to the Pantone Color of the Year (42West).
Essential Gear for Nailing Focus in Macro Photography (Explora).

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Join our SonyAlphaForum.
I kindly invite you all to follow our Discord channel, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and Twitter to not miss news and rumors

We have our own Facebook camera groups you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony Alpha group. Sony A1 group. Sony A9 series group. Sony A7r series group. Sony A7s series group. Sony A7 series group.


Wild rumors roundup: A7V, A7sIV, FX9….


About those rumors: I have no idea who sent them and 90% of the times they turn out to be wrong. But, it happened in the past that a couple of those were right. So I will post them today, and we all together can eventually keep track of this. If one of the sources turns out to be right than we will know we can trust it a bit more!

Source 1:

A7SIv – new stacked 24 sensor dual layer – 4000 dollars

Source 2:

Fx9 – same A7SIv sensor – 14000 dollars  

Source 3:

Request for A7sIV improvements were:

  • variable stabilization like GoPro, not the crappy active stab (like dynamic stab from a9iii)
  • more high dynamic range, possibly an hdr mode which you could even tweak in post in catalyst prepare software.
  • exposure meter that measures only parts of the image (for example you can choose face to only measure exposure of the face)
  • internal Timecode, over sdi or with QR code scan via app and image sensor
  • hyperlapse mode, works with Gyrodata and automatically crops the image for perfect hyperlapses

Source 4:

I was at my local Sony store in NZ, all the physical stores are closing here and in Australia, due to sales being down 15%, economy isn’t doing the greatest at the moment. All sales will be done online after March when the stores close.
But one of the staff at the store told me the A7V will be 51 mp?! That can’t be true, but you never know.


Sony Tidbits…


Why I was WRONG about the Sony ZV-E1

Today deals at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, FotoErhardt DE, FotoKoch DE.
SanDisk Expands Storage Solutions for Creative Professionals (Explora).
Feathering Light: What Does it Mean? (42West)
Good Street Settings For All Cameras –I Use These Settings Every Day (Matti Sulanto).
Is it just me, or has the cost of cameras and lenses gotten out of control? (DigitalCameraWorld).
Sigma C 16-300 mm f/3.5-6.7 DC OS – sample shots (Lenstip).
Adapt Canon FD Lenses to Sony E-mount Camera with Built-in Tilt-Shift – TLT ROKR (Fotodiox).
Curiosity: New α33 and DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6 image samples by Kitamura
The Challenges of Shooting Photography and Videography (42West)
A Guide to On-Camera Flash (Explora).

Follow our new Youtube channel.
Join our SonyAlphaForum.
I kindly invite you all to follow our Discord channel, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and Twitter to not miss news and rumors

We have our own Facebook camera groups you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony Alpha group. Sony A1 group. Sony A9 series group. Sony A7r series group. Sony A7s series group. Sony A7 series group.


Curiosity: Zeiss says the new OTUS lenses do not rely on digital lens corrections


The Otus 1.4/55 (ZF2. mount) is next to the Otus 1.4/50 (E mount) on the right. There is a huge difference in size, and the weight also differs by about 300g (via

PetaPixel had a chat with Zeiss manager and he said this about the lens design:

“With the Otus way, we are not relying on any of those. That’s part of the design goal. Of course, the modern cameras nowadays, they do some kind of in-camera correction for distortion and colors. Sometimes they also make the lens appear sharper than it actually is.
In one way, it’s fair. If it makes the job of the photographer easier, that’s fine. But when we design the design intention and also the goal we want to achieve, what we want to preserve with Otus and the new Otus ML family is that we do not need to rely on those corrections.”

Also the lens has no focus-by-wire like most lenses produced in these days. according to Zeiss this has been done to provide photographers witc onsistent, precise control over their images.


Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 at BHphoto. Adorama. FotoErhardt. Fotokoch. Calumet. WexUK.
Zeiss 85mm f/1.4 at BHphoto. Adorama. FotoErhardt. Fotokoch. Calumet. WexUK.
