Sony Tidbits…

35mm Street Photography Never Looked So Good

Today deals at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, FotoErhardt DE, FotoKoch DE.
25 Years of DPReview: 6 camera features that didn’t make the cut (Dpreview).
ArtraLab Nonikkor 50mm F1.2 review at SonyAlphaBlog.
7 Reasons to Embrace Black & White Photography Today (Peter Forsgård)
Sony a1 II Review (PCmag).
ProGrade Digital Announces New USB4 External SSDs (Explora).
DJI Mic Mini: a new ultralight mic for creators on the go (42West).

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We have our own Facebook camera groups you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony Alpha group. Sony A1 group. Sony A9 series group. Sony A7r series group. Sony A7s series group. Sony A7 series group.

Let Sony know what kind of new E-mount lens is needed….is it time to get weird?

Imagine Sony would make a 50mm f/0,95 lens like this Canon but with autofocus!

No camera manufacturer is perfect, and we often complain about some of Sony’s strange camera strategies. But honestly, when it comes to lenses, Sony is second to none! In recent years almost every lens they’ve released has been a success. They are optically the best in their class and still lighter than the competition.

Just recently Jeremy Gray from Petapixel wrote and article with the title: Sony Has Nearly Every Lens It Needs, Now It’s Time to Get Weird:

It’s exciting to imagine what Sony could do with its optical expertise, in-house camera system, and significant financial resources if it prioritized not filling gaps, but making lenses nobody has ever seen.

I invite all SAR readers to comment on this post with their lens suggestions! I will collect them in a POLL and let the community decide which is the most popular idea. I’m sure Sony will take note of your ideas! I will start this brainstorming with lenses that I divide into three categories: Lenses that the competition has and Sony must have, Lenses that no one has made yet, and CRAZY lens with new technology!

1) Canon and Nikon lenses I want Sony to “copy”:

2) Lenses nobody ever did yet (ordered from wide to tele):

  • Sony 20mm f/1.2 GM
  • Sony 20-150mm f/4.0-6.3 travel zoom lens
  • Sony 50mm f/0,95 GM autofocus(!) lens
  • Sony 70-150mm f/2.0 GM
  • Sony 100-500mm f/4.0 GM

3) Lenses made with completely new tech:

  • Make the first E-mount metalens. It’s a new tech with some limitations. But you can make a couple of few millimeters thick fast prime lens!
  • Lenses designed for an E-mount camera with curved sensor. Those lenses are sharper, have no artifacts and are a about 30% smaller than normal lenses

Your suggestion:

Now you can comment on this post with your lens suggestions. I will collect them for a survey that will be published after Christmas!

Just announced: new Viltrox 35mm f/1.7 APS-C AF E-mount lens

Viltrox announced the new 35mm f/1.7 APS-C autofocus lens. You can preorder it on Amazon US&CA, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Pergear. Review at SonyAlphaBlog.


Viltrox launched a major discount on all their E-mount lenses:

Sony Tidbits…

ditch full frame, this is Sony’s best value beast.

Today deals at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, FotoErhardt DE, FotoKoch DE.
Is the SIRUI 40mm AF Anamorphic Lens REALLY Worth the Hype? (CineD).
Street Portraits in NYC with Kenneth Hines Jr. (Zeiss Youtube).
Dark clouds are hanging over the camera market again? (Mirrorlessrumors).
Guide to Matte Boxes (Explora).
Best Laptop Accessories That’ll Upgrade a Setup Immediately: A Gift Guide (42West).
2024 RECAP: Are YOU Disappointed? (Northrup).

Follow our new Youtube channel.
Join our SonyAlphaForum.
I kindly invite you all to follow our Discord channel, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and Twitter to not miss news and rumors

We have our own Facebook camera groups you can join to discuss the upcoming new cameras in detail:
Sony Alpha group. Sony A1 group. Sony A9 series group. Sony A7r series group. Sony A7s series group. Sony A7 series group.

Finally in Stock for the very first time: Sony 28-70mm f/2.0 GM

Today the new Sony 28-70mm f/2.0 GM is in Stock for the first time at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy.

Th eSony A1II will be in Stock on Friday while it’s already shipping out in the EU:

Sony A1II at  BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy, FotoErhardt, FotoKoch, Calumet, WexUK, Clifton, CameraPro. Sony Australia.
Sony 28-70mm f/2.0 GM at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama, BestBuy, FotoErhardt, Fotokoch, Calumet, WexUK, Clifton, CameraPro. Sony Australia.

In 2025 Sony will launch two new lenses that will be a “first” in the E-mount range!

I have had almost final confirmation of two new lenses coming from Sony. One is a prime and the other is a zoom. I hope to tell you more about them soon, but today I can tell you that both will not be a successor to existing lenses–they will be a “first” in the E-mount range ;)

There will be also 1-2 lenses that will be an update of existing zooms. One might be a successor of a GM zoom?

Of course there will be also the usual mass of new third party lenses including a new kind of telephoto lens made by Sigma. 2025 promises to be exciting and I hope I can get a final confirmation on the first two Sony E-mount lens specs!

If you have more info about the next Sony cameras and lenses you can share send me a message using this contact box or at Thanks!

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