According to PetaPixel Sony had a solid year in 2024:
It was a clean sweep for Sony in PetaPixel‘s 2024 Awards. The Sony a9 III (announced near the end of 2023 and therefore not relevant to Sony’s 2024 grade) won Camera of the Year, the 85mm f/1.4 GM II won Prime Lens of the Year, and the 28-70mm f/2 GM our Zoom Lens of the Year. That’s worthy of praise and a high mark for the year.
Some of Sony’s releases were a bit uninspiring, like the 24-50mm f/2.8 G and the new APS-C kit zoom lens, which drag the average down ever-so-slightly. However, that aside, Sony had an impressive 2024, and Sony fans have a lot to look forward to as we turn the page to 2025.
Personally, I would rate Sony a little lower. In my opinion, Sony has done an almost perfect job with the lenses, apart from the fact that we are still missing some nice telephoto lenses. But when it comes to cameras, we should have gotten more. An RX1rIII successor would have been a real hit if it had been announced in 2024. Don’t you agree?