Zeiss announced the new Batis 135mm f/2.8 APO Sonnar FE lens. Here is all you need to know about the lens:
Zeiss Batis 135mm f/2.8 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto, PhotoPorstNeuwied and ParkCameras.
Zeiss Batis 135mm lens shade at Adorama and Bhphoto.
Image samples and previews:
Official Batis 135mm page at Zeiss. Images on Flickr.
Full resolution RAW images to link at mattgranger.com/135batis.
In the Field with the Just Announced Zeiss Batis 135mm (Explora).
Full review by Amateur Photographer (says “it sets an exceptionally high bar that won’t be easy to match“)
Preview with images by Irwin Wong, Topher DeLancy and Greg Watermann on Lenspire.
Full reivew at ThePhoBlographer (says “It’s fantastic in so many ways“).
Zeiss Batis APO Sonnar 135mm f/2.8 Lens Review (VeryBigLobo).
Hands-on by Adorama.
First Look by Brian Smith.
German test by FotoMagazin.
RAw image samples at lbag (zip file). Artcile at lbag.
Introducing the new ZEISS Batis 2.8/135
Topher DeLancy about the new ZEISS Batis 2.8/135
Press text:
The advanced correction of the Apo Sonnar lens design ensures extremely realistic portrayal of your subject. To avoid shaking, an optical image stabilizer has also been integrated in the design. The fast and precise autofocus is your guarantee of sharply defined images – even in difficult light. The shallow depth of field at maximum aperture allows the creative combination of focus and blur, allowing you to direct the viewer’s attention to the main subject of your photo.
The ZEISS Batis autofocus lenses were specially developed for mirrorless, full-frame system cameras from Sony. The lenses are fully compatible with all E-mount cameras and offer protection against dust and weather in addition to fast and quiet autofocus. For creative photography, the innovative OLED display shows the distance and depth of field to ensure that the focusing range can always be perfectly set. The result: images that will amaze you. The completely new design of the high-speed ZEISS Batis family offers perfect image quality.
Click on the image to enlarge:
Emin: “i create a small gallery with a Batis 85mm f1.8 in a crop mode on a Sony A7RII became 127.5mm f2.7 (18mp) https://www.flickr.com/photos/em34/albums/72157678886484284“