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Wild rumors roundup: A7V, A7sIV, FX9….

About those rumors: I have no idea who sent them and 90% of the times they turn out to be wrong. But, it happened in the past that a couple of those were right. So I will post them today, and we all together can eventually keep track of this. If one of the sources turns out to be right than we will know we can trust it a bit more!

Source 1:

A7SIv – new stacked 24 sensor dual layer – 4000 dollars

Source 2:

Fx9 – same A7SIv sensor – 14000 dollars  

Source 3:

Request for A7sIV improvements were:

Source 4:

I was at my local Sony store in NZ, all the physical stores are closing here and in Australia, due to sales being down 15%, economy isn’t doing the greatest at the moment. All sales will be done online after March when the stores close.
But one of the staff at the store told me the A7V will be 51 mp?! That can’t be true, but you never know.

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