Weird (modified) native E-mount lenses .

While I am “studying” the world of third party lenses I can use on my NEX-7 I found a bunch of modified lenses that do fit native on NEX cameras without the use of any adapter. The one pictured on top is the Kodak Ektar 44mm f/3.5 you can find on eBay (Click here). It’s kind of sexy on a silver NEX but definitely to slow for my ambition. But the same seller modified two more Ektar lenses. The [shoplink 10950 ebay]Ektar 47mm f/2.0 (Click here to see the auction)[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 10951 ebay]Ektar 50mm f/2.0 (Click here to see the auction)[/shoplink]. For real speed fans take a look at the native E-mount [shoplink 10952 ebay]Kowa 55mm f/1.1 lens (Click here to see the auction)[/shoplink].
Anyway, I will soon post an article that will explain which lens works well on NEX cameras. There are possible issues related to the use of third party lenses you should be aware of!