Sony will launch the 135mm and a 400mm prime lens this summer. Will you buy them?
Batis 135mm f/2.8 vs the [shoplink 48572]Zeiss 135mm f/1.8 A-mount[/shoplink] (CameraSize)
While we have to wait til fall to get the new A7III Summer is still going to be exciting with the launch of the new 135mm and 400mm FE lenses. I still have no 100% confirmation on the aperture but the 135mm is likely to get a f/1.8 aperture while the 400mm should be f/2.8.
I will definitely buy the new 135mm FE (I loved the A-mount Zeiss version). So the question for you is:

Oh and one more thing: New Sigma and Zeiss FE lenses are coming too ;)
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Andrea (SAR editor)