Two reviewers compared the new Fuji GFX medium format camera with the Sony A7rII. Those are their conclusions:
DearSusans writes:
My conclusions are that the GFX feels a tiny bit less electronic at 100% and colours seem a bit better. On the other hand the A7RII seems a little sharper. But the real conclusion is that, in terms of IQ, both are so close as to make no significant difference, other than colourwise. So, coming from a Sony A7rII corner, it’s hard to see anything compelling enough to make a switch. Moving up from a different system, your mileage may vary.
Jim Kassons concludes
The Fuji is markedly sharper except at the very corners, where the Sony comes close. I messed around with sharpening on the Sony images, and I couldn’t get them to look anything like the Fuji ones, except is the cases where they were very close to begin with.
Quite two different conclusions :)