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This week SAR readers photos selection


by joseramosphotography⁠
“Existential Divide
Sony a77 + Sigma 10-20mm Aperture: f/8
Exposure: 30 seconds ISO:100 3 stop ND grad + 10 stop ND Nisi Tripod Remote Shutter

1) You can submit one single picture per week only.
2) To submit your picture for the weekly readers roundup post you can choose one of the following three options:
Instagram: Follow @sonyalphagallery and tag us on your picture to give us the permission to repost your image on the instagram gallery and on SAR (we will credit you)
Facebook: Submit your picture on our group: Please add the hashtag “#sonyalphagallery ” to grant the permission for reposting on SAR. Without the hashtag we will not add your picture!
Forum: Submit your picture on the SonyAlphaForum image section and add the hashtag “#sonyalphagallery
3) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here:, and on SonyAlphaForum.
4) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself! And please do share one single picture per week only. Do not spam :)

by gregorykportraits⁠
in downtown San Antonio, TX USA.⁠
Sony a7iii/FE 85mm f1.8.⁠


by alf.s89⁠
Alpha 7III – 1/640 – f2.8 – iso 100 – 67mm⁠


by benjapremierderothstein⁠
Sonya6400 – Sony 200-600mm


by modelscapes⁠
Tamron 28-75 f28


by mykindascapes⁠
Sonyaplha A7RIII,
Tamronglobal 28-75mm f2.8 lens 53mm f11 30sec with 10stops ND


by m_pogge⁠
Sony a6400||Tamron 28mm⁠
f4.0||ISO100•1/8 seconds⁠


by sr.spence⁠
Heaven and the Sky.
Sony A7 II + Sony FE 100-400 4.5 -5.6 GM⁠
ISO 400 – f/5.6- 5s – 400mm⁠
Procesada: Lr & Ps⁠


by mamonn⁠
Once a while a post with no photoshop.
A7ii•Laowa 15mm 1/400 F11 ISO100⁠

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