NAB 2014 Sony A7S ‘NORMAL PAN SPEED” Rolling Shutter Test
Here are a couple of non scientific tests made with the A7s. The video on top has been taken by Andrew Wonder and shows you the A7s Jello effect. As all video makers know this is an effect that every CMOS camera has and the A/s will make no exception. It’s also obvious that no one will ever shoot a video with the A7s shaking the camera like that :)
The A7s crazy ISO capability is pushing a couple of sites/people to post some unscientific ISO test. Photographybay posted the ISO comparison image you see here on top but admits for himself:
I missed focus on a couple of the shots and this is a terrible lighting scenario, but the A7S shows a lot of promise for low light and high ISO work. This is also probably a preproduction camera, so the results should not be taken as what the final production model is capable of delivering.
OneLoneDork posted a short completely ISO impression test on Youtube.
A7s Preorder or pure notification store links:
USA: Sony US, Amazon and BHphoto.
Europe: Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL.
Asia: Digitalrev