The impossible is possible. Sony should learn from Pentax how to make pancake for NEX!
SonyAlpha Admin
[shoplink 9083 ebay][/shoplink]Sony, it’s possible! The picture on top shows you the [shoplink 9083 ebay]Pentax DA limited 40mm[/shoplink] full frame lens (!) for the Pentax DSLR system(!) with top notch quality and relatively fast aperture (f/2.8). Why I am writing this? I am a proud owner of the [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] but I need very tiny lenses for the camera. And I want to debunk the myth saying that unlike MicroFourThirds Sony cannot make ultra-small lenses on the larger APS-C sensor. The pancake from Pentax covers a fullframe sensor and it’s small although it is designed for a DSLR system! In theory such a lens could be even smaller if designed for a mirrorless system! I would be very happy if Sony would make some sort of special edition of pancakes with manual focusing only. So why am I NOT going to buy the Pentax lens for my NEX? Easy, because the [shoplink 9085 ebay]K to NEX mount adapter[/shoplink] alone is twice as large as the lens itself and as a result the pancake size advantage disappears. I didn’t find any picture of that lens mounted on the NEX. I only found one single image samples of the NEX-5 with the Pentax lens on Flickr (Click here).
Sony do it! And if you can’t…buy Pentax :)
Review at Photozone.
Pentax DA 40mm limited lens on [shoplink 9083 ebay]eBay[/shoplink].
K to E-mount adapter on [shoplink 9085 ebay]eBay[/shoplink].