Tamron 60mm and Samyang 35mm reviews (+ Kowa 55mm f/1.0)

Kurtmunger (Click here) tested the Tamron 60mm f/2.0 macro lens for Sony: “I would highly recommend the Tamron 60mm F/2 lens when used out in the field at longer distances, where F/2 can come in handy for getting a defocused background, or hand-held available light situations. For people wanting a good macro lens with plenty of working distance, and will be using it at close focus, I’d recommend the Sony 100mm macro.”
Click on shopnames to check price and availability of the Tamron: [shopcountry 6803].
And click here to check price and availability of the Sony macro: [shopcountry 6805].
On Dpreview forum (Click here) a user tested the Samyang 35mm f/1.4 on the NEX-5.
P.S.: “jieying” made four new reworked Kowa 55mm f/1.0 lenses for NEX. He is selling them on [shoplink 6804 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].