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(SR5) Tons of new leaks: Sony A35 and NEX-C3 manual. Sony 30mm macro for NEX priced at 259 Euro!

What a day! Thanks to the help of our readers we found many new leaks on Sony websites! Let’s make a summary of all of them:

1) The Sony NEX-C3 czech manual is available for download here: You need a username and password to enter. But the most surprising thing here is that the czech Sony website shows you the username and password you have to use! Check: I repeat those are all official Sony sites, there is no hacking here!

2) Also the SLT-A35 czech manual is available for download here:

3) Sony Service Canada does list the new NEX-C3 and A35 cameras + the new Sony 30mm f/3.5 macro lens for E-mount.

4) And the french store does list the 30mm lens priced at 259 Euro!

Sounds like we are going to see that stuff soon in our stores! A special thanks goes to all SAR readers that are collecting and sending the leaks!

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

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