(SR5) Confirmed: This week Tamron 17-28mm price announcement and preorder start
A reliable source now told us that Tamron will have a 17-28mm pricing announcement this week. We should expect preorder to open on the very same day on those pages at BHphoto, FocusCamera and Adorama. The price in Europe is rumored to be around 999 Euro. I guess the US price will be something between $899 and $999.
A couple of weeks ago the German Magazine fotomagazin.de tested the new Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8. This is what they think:
- It has a tight zoom ring
- lens hood is made of plastic
- Autofocus works very quick
- The lens is sharp even wide open
- Some wavy distortion at 17mm and pincushion distortion at 28mm. But it’s easy to correct.
- Some vignetting at 17mm aperture which is gone at 28mm
Short question:

image by Trần Gia Hy