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(SR4) The next Sony cameras to be announced are…videocameras!


We are approaching the CES event which will take place in Las Vegas on January 6-9 2011. The International CES is the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow. According to our sources the next Sony cameras to be announced are not SLT or DSLR cameras, these are videocameras! One of them is certainly the fullframe videocamera pictured above. But that FF videocamera is to expensive to compete against in the Panasonic AG-AF100 camcorder. And the current [shoplink 3058]NEX-VG10[/shoplink] has not enough features to appeal professionists. According to two of our sources Sony is preparing a new NEX-VG pro-camera. We have no specs yet but it looks like the VG videocamera will be announced at CES!

P.S.: There is a $95 price drop on the Sony NEXVG10 at Amazon (Click here)

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