(SR4) UPDATED: High End APS-C camera should be announced before Christmas time?
One trusted source gave us a posisble timeline of the next Sony announcement. He heard the new Sony High End APS-C camera will be announced within weeks. It’s unclear yet if that means it’s coming at PhotoPlus next week or if it will be announced sometimes in November. UPDATE: Seems like the source confused an official announcement with a in house Sony demonstration prio to the announcement. The camera will be released in every early 2019!
The following info is coming via reliable sources:
- This is not an A6500 successor
- This is a new kind of APS-C camera
- The EVF is in the center
- It’s a sort of “mini-A9”
- It matches and in some aspects (like AF and IBIS) exceed the Fuji X-T3 performance
- It has 20fps
Stay tuned folks and join the A6500-A7000 facebook group!
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