(SR2) Sony NEX-7 rumors (from Photorumors)
[shoplink 6005 ebay]

A Photorumors source said that: “When you look in front of the new Sony NEX 7 with the 24mm Zeiss mounted, the new camera looks like a twin of the [shoplink 6005 ebay]Minolta Dimage A2[/shoplink] – a really small nice pro body.”. According to Photorumos that camera should be releeased very soon.
You know what I think on that. We will see a NEX-3 replacement in April, so no NEX-7 yet! The professional NEX-7 camera will be announced a few months later and share the same A77 sensor!
[shoplink 6005 ebay]Click here to see the Minolta Dimage A2 on eBay[/shoplink].