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SonyAlphaRumors: Thanks for your help!

During the past exciting days people all around the world have sent me links and rumors. It is your help that makes it possible to have a website like SonyAlphaRumors which can provide you with the latest and often unique rumors and news.
SonyAlphaRumors has been the first to find the name, the specs and the pictures of the Amazon Österreich } if ($loc == 'DE') { $sel = "1"; ?>Amazon Deutschland } if ($sel != '1') {?>Sony NEX } ?> cameras. And I’m sure that more exciting stories will arrive in the near future.
The SonyAlphaRumors website will have new features and a new design soon. It will be the result of your suggestions and critics (which often push me to make things better).

I’m still learning and I will always need your help to grow.

I slept 3 hours last night and I am tired. But I can’t go to sleep without saying thank you for your help. It is a pleasure to work with you!

Good Night!

P.S.: And “chapeau” to Sony. I never thought they could make such a small camera despite the bigger sensor than MicroFourThirds!

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