Sony USA accepting NEX-7 orders! Review conclusions from LL.
You can now buy your NEX-7 body only at SonyStore USA (Click here). UPDATE. No more preorders yet! It will be shipped to you in mid-late January. I have been told that also other Sonystores in Europe will soon ship their first NEX-7 cameras and accept new preorders. And curiously, this will only happen with the body only version. The full kit will not be available until late February! And the first NEX-7 on [shoplink 10708 ebay]ebay sold for $3.245,00 (Click here to see it)[/shoplink]!!! Yeah, and that’s body only :)
Luminous Landscapes published their final NEX-7 verdict (Click here) and the following statement explains why people pays that crazy price for a NEX-7: “I’ll start this conclusion chapter with my bottom line summary. The NEX-7 is the most exciting camera that I’ve had the pleasure of using in the past five years. ”
Full NEX-7 preorders list.These are all search links. Some stores may not have the NEX-7 for preorder at all: [shopcountry 8454].