(SR4) Sony to launch a Full Frame Black and White sensor camera?
The FF B&W sensor description by Leica.
Sony is once more challenging Leica! According to one source Sony is developing a new Full Frame Black and White sensor for a camera to be launched within one year! This will be the second FF camera after the $8,000 Leica Monochrom (here at Amazon). On paper the advantages of such a sensor are amazing:
– Greater sharpness
– Cleaner Higher ISO results
– Increased Dynamic range
I don’t have any info about the sensor specs yet so we have to read some Leica Monochrom tests to learn how good a B&W sensor works:
Luminous Landscape reports that “the technology is not without ot flaws. Among these is that since the luminance information is only being sampled from the green cells, there is actually less resolution available than one might think. About 2/3rds in fact.”
Two great reviews and nice image samples can be read/seen at Thorsten Overgaard and Ming Thein.
Now you tell me…

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!