Sony TidBits with SAR readers work roundup.
The Maghreb from Enrique Pacheco on Vimeo.
Florian: “I was fortunate enough to have (briefly) had access to a high speed camera, and used it to record both the A900 and A55 shooting different exposures, at 10’000 FPS :-) Also, I shot an HVL-F58AM firing a normal and a HSS flash, this time at 500’000 FPS…All the recordings can be found in this playlist on YouTube (Click here). Gives you a brilliant and rare insight into the inner workings for
these wonderful gadgets :-)”
Damián: “I know most users of the NEX 7 are using it as a good alternative to Leica to use their M lenses. So around a year ago I got the chance to get one the first SLR Magic HyperPrime LM 50mm T0.95 M (CINE). I’ve been playing with the lens since, and I wanted to share with you, and hopefully our colleagues in your blog, a couple of my pictures and my experience with the lens.
To this effect I made a small set in 500px, and now I share the link with you:”
Jeff: “A quick test flight with the Sony RX-100 on our multirotor. Awesome lens stabilization!”
Daniel: “I want to share with you, my video with the a99, I hope you can see it, and I would love your opinion, anyway:”
Shin: “Hi Sonyalpharumuor I would like to share with you some of my work done by the Sony Alpha Camera A850 and one of the latest cybershot the Sony RX100 Real Shots not Test Shots ! Here is my link to my work!page4/cfvg”
Scott: “I’ve just put together a mini-review of the new SEL1018 lens for NEX. Its a very good lens, albeit a little pricey here in the UK. The review can be found here—sony-sel1018—the-nex-lens-ecosystem-gets-wider”
Andre: “Just wanted to send you a video I shot solely with the Sony 35mm f/1.8 on a Sony FS700. Could serve as a good reference to judge the lens, but I understand the lens has been out for awhile now. Here is the link:“
Midhat: “two days ago I’ve created time-lapse with NEX-7. Equipment used: NEX-7, Gentles gentLED-AUTO IC intervalometar, Zeiss 24/1.8, Sony 50/1.8, Canon 24L with Metabones Speed Booster
Just thinking, maybe it is interesting for you. I’m very pleased with result being exclusively Canon shooter I really like NEX-7.”