Sony Tidbits…(great FS5 Glas Blowing video)
FS5 In Action: US Glass Blowing
Camslinger Streetomatic Review – for the Mirrorless Heroes (3D-Kraft).
An indispensable travel companion: iUSBport² (Joerghaag).
A Portrait Shoot with the Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 (ilovehatephoto).
Luana Knipfer introduces the FS5 (Youtube).
A7RII shoots in Iceland’s glacier caves (Photoclubalpha).
slomo sutro | a7sii 120fps | loxia 2/50 by Tim Williams on Vimeo.
New Meikon Starbea A7/7s/7r II housing (Facebook).
Brad: “One of my recent goals/challenges as a filmmaker was to shoot a micro documentary with one camera and one prime lens. This is the result:
I filmed this with the Sony a7s II and Loxia 35/2. Other than the super-slow motion footage that was captured in 120 frames/sec, it was shot in 4K then downscaled to 1080p in FCPX.”
Howard: “Capture One is great capture software but they do not have any loxia lens profiles. They do have batis profiles, by the way. I have asked them to make the loxia profiles, and they claimed that there is not enough people asking for them. I was hoping that, maybe, if some of your readers queried them, we might get some profiles.
As a professional photographer I really hate to switch to Lightroom, which does not have quite as powerful abilities.”