Sony Tidbits…
Samyang 14mm F2 8 AF Lens Review | John Sison
Sony Recognized as a Leader in Combating Climate Change and Water Resource Management by CDP Report
Zeiss workshop next week with Greg Waterman.
Teardown of a Salty Sony A7sII (Lensrentals).
Ledgo Versatile LED Mat 2 Bi color led flexible light (Personal View).
Sony RX10 IV and RX100V = Travel Camera Nirvana (TheDigitalDigest).
iOS Apps Can Secretly Shoot Photos if Given Camera Permissions (PetaPixel).
Ramesh: “I wanted to share a short film I shot mostly with RX10 Mk3, A7R2, RX10 IV and Samsung Galaxy S8. I would say Rx10iii was used for nearly 75% of the shots. It was a borrowed RX10 mk3 from a friend and I immediately saw the potential of the camera for movie making. I ordered mk4 right away and have since received RX10 IV after most of the shoot was done with mk3.But I used mk4 for some nature shots in the movie and I could immediately see the advancements in AF with the new model especially in AF-C. I will sure be using mk4 for future movies that I plan to make. Now to the movie.. this was shot with 5 friends and myself. All 5 of my friends acted in the movie and I was the solo crew member handling everything from story to screenplay to camera, editing and direction. The whole shoot was completed in a day and half and I used FCPX on a macbook pro to do the editing.
This movie is about 20 mins long in a foreign language but has English subtitles which you can turn on by clicking the CC option in youtube. Please watch it and let me know any feedback/comments or questions about RX10 cameras.
Eric: “I just released a short horror film for Halloween that we shot with a Sony a7Sii. Thought your readers might get a kick out of it if you’d be willing to feature it.“
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