Samyang AF 14mm f/2.8 FE lens review with samples (Full-frame & APS-C)
Instagram is Fine, But Real Prints are Better (Explora).
Boya On-Camera Microphones (Personal View).
Sony A9 takes a flight in Cappadocia (Alin Popescu).
Sony OSS + IBIS = Better Stabilization? – FAQ Friday (Jason Vong).
RX0 Debuts At Special NYC Shooting Event (Alphauniverse).
Bernie: “Received this video from a friend. It’s of an American Eagle Billboard showing a video I filmed for a contest and we ended up winning. Heres the original video filmed with a6500 with 28/2 & 16/2.8 (with Sony WA Adapter) on Zhiyun Crane“
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