Sony Tidbits…
3 vintage lenses shoot the same model on a7ii
Sony FE 12-24mm f/4 G with 77mm regular filters (Fred Miranda).
Sony FE 100-400 G Master Lens for Landscape Photographers (Richard Fox).
DragonImage aka Falyon Eyes RX18 or RX18T (Personal View)
Pro Printer Buying Guide: Bring Your Printing In-House (ALC).
3 Quick Tips for Shooting Close-ups with Extreme Wide-Angle Lenses (Explora).
Imagine This:
“We are two photographers from Toronto that spent most of our student loan developing a 360-camera array (with Sony SLRs) that surpasses high-end professional 360-cameras (like the OZO and Gopro Omni) in image quality. Here are the links to test footage that we shot:
The test footage’s image quality in terms of resolution and lowlight performance is better than anything we’ve ever seen online. We thought your readers might be interested in the video and how far current camera technology can take us. We would love to know your thoughts and comments on the video. Please view in 8K or in a VR viewer for the best experience!””
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