Sony Tidbits…
Capture One Pro Tethering – Easiest Way To Tether with A99ii
Fuji GF vs Sony FE lens size comparison (Dpreview Forum).
Feature film coming to theaters shot entirely on A7S II (Imaging Resource)
The Sony FS7 II and why it absolutely is a big deal (RedSharkNews).
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Marc: “To share my 70-200mm GM testing i have started a blog here : You can already find the first 2 parts of the fe 70200gm testing on it. It is written in general in both french and english.
You can also find my portoflio here :
And my flickr :“
Fivepin: “Hey guys I wanted to share a video on something I get a lot of questions about. How to micro adjust your lenses. I don’t use a 45 chart or any chart for that matter. I have come up with my own way of doing it over the years and all you need is some fine detail and any photo program to adjust your lenses. I shoot Sony but you can use this method with any camera that has micro focus adjust. Check out the video and I’ll show you how I do it. Trust me your lenses will thank you!“