Sony 85mm F1.4 GM vs 85mm F1.8 Shootout | Is the GMaster worth it?
7Artisans 35mm F1.4 Lens for Sony FE-Mount review by Lens Lasagne.
Sony 35mm f/1.8 FE reviewby Enthusiastphotoblog.
Mikaton Zhongyi Lenses Bring on the Speed and then Some (Explora).
Laowa 100mm F2.8 2x Ultra Macro APO sample gallery (Dpreview).
“I finished to test tall Hähnel flashes products1 wireless transmitter / receiver1 Small radio controlled flash with Li-ion battery : Hähnel Modus 360RT = clone of Godox V3502 Big radio controlled flash with Li-ion battery : Hähnel Modus 600T = clone of Godox V860IIThey succeeded to make them more easy to use and Wirth a better build quality”
Personal photos and tests from SAR Admin Andrea on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and 500px.
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