Sony RX1 Review By Ron Martinsen

Thanks Joe.
Sony’s little full frame wonder gets another entirely positive review. Ron Martinsen felt the beat of the [shoplink 15824]Sony RX1 (price & specs)[/shoplink] in a comprehensive review with lot of sample images. He writes:
Let’s just cut to the chance so I can answer the question that everyone wants to know about – is this camera really as good as a full frame DSLR? From an image quality perspective, the answer is without question – YES! The sensor on the RX1 is fantastic and the lens is on par with my best L lenses on my Canon gear. It’s got gorgeous color, dreamy bokeh at f/2.0, and creates sharp images even when examined in RAW. It’s high ISO performance is on par with most of today’s DSLR’s.
He found a small back focusing issue and discusses more RX1 issues, but for the rest the RX1 once more proves that Sony got it right and made a truly awesome camera. Check the high ISO samples! About the sensor Ron writes:
The colors are excellent, the detail is very good and the performance across the full spectrum of ISO’s from 100 to 25,600 is on par with the best DSLR’s on the market.
Ok, the fixed 35mm lens was felt as a limitation, on the other hand this is what characterizes the RX1. Check also the cool Gariz leather cases for the RX1 (click here).
Sony RX1 price check: [shopcountry 15824] [via ronmartblog]