A chinese reader just noticed that Sony registered a new camera code “WW541200” in Asia.
This means we now have two new codes:
WW541200 (no info on original registration country)
WW940439 (Original registration in China)
It’s important to note that cameras registered first in China are usually RX or compact cameras. While System Cameras are registered first in Japan. This means the “WW940439” code is likely for a new RX camera that will be announced soon. No guarantee yet on what the other two codes are about…
Model name/Code name/Registered by Sony Japan
? WW541200 ?
ILCE-9 WW361847 Japan
ILCE-6500 WW213019 Japan
ILCA-99M2 WW067022 Japan
ILCE-6300 WW906746 Japan
ILCE-7SM2 WW898259 Japan
ILCE-7RM2 WW325951 Japan
ILCE-7M2 WW328278 Japan
ILCE-7S WW328274 Japan
ILCE-7R WW328261 Japan
ILCE-7 WW328262 Japan
ILCE-QX1 WW024382 Japan
Model name/Code name/Registered by Sony China
?WW940439 China
DSC-RX10M4 WW173777 China
DSC-RX0 WW620081 China
DSC-RX1RM2 WW843944 Japan
DSC-RX10M3 WW411000 China
DSC-RX10M2 WW136512 China
DSC-RX10 WW808143 China
DSC-RX100M5 WW605351 China
DSC-RX100M4 WW481040 China
DSC-RX100M3 WW808161 China
DSC-HX90V WW247506 ?
DSC-HX90 WW408340 China
DSC-WX500 WW220188 China
DSC-KW1/KW11 WW808162 Japan
DSC-HX350? WW158299 China