Sony has to learn a lesson from Canon regarding firmware upgrades…
For some unknown reason Sony has slowed down the work on the firmware updates of cameras like the NEX-7 and A77. It’s just my guess but I think that Sony engineers were now focused on the development of the new NEX-5R and NEX-6 cameras. But this is not the way to go Sony! We all trusted you when buying our Sony SLT or NEX that you would keep fixing and improving our (sometimes very expensive) cameras. If you make us happy you will earn trust and we will spend even more money into the system!
The recent [shoplink 13183 ebay]Canon 7D[/shoplink] firmware upgrade shows how Canon did take care of the user requests. A nice article about the Canon lesson has been posted by David Kilpatrick. It’s a must read for all Sony managers! I hope the good SLT and NEX sales success will now convince the Sony managers that we need a long time customer support.