Sony DT 35mm F/1.8 SAM review at Kurtmunger!
Our friend Kurt Munger published the new Sony DT 35mm F/1.8 SAM review: “The little Sony DT 35mm F/1.8 SAM lens turned in a stellar performance. The good points are; center sharpness is very high, even at F/1.8! The mid-sections and corners sharpen up almost to match the centers at F/5.6-8, so it would make a great landscape/architecture lens. Color fringing is well controlled overall, and distortion is about average, but has a simple, easy to correct curve. ”
This is really a must have lens for all Sony APS-C camera owners (it’s not a fullframe lens!).
Click the links below to check price an availability of the lens:
Amazon US, BHphoto, Amazon DE
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, Amazon UK