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Sony announces that it is number one in the global full-frame mirrorless market


Sony published their 2024 corporate report. According to their own research, they claim to be the market leader for mirrorless full-frame cameras. Another interesting piece of information is that the lens business is more profitable than the camera business:

The chart shows that the growth potential in the cinema camera segment is somewhat greater than for mirrorless cameras. The smartphone and TV business is still struggling.

In the area of image sensors, Sony will increase its global share to 53% (compared to 49% in 2022).

The goal is to get 60% of the market by 2025 as they expect smartphone camera sensors to growth in size:

In the report Sony also mentioned their new C2PA standard:

Addressing the issue of fabricated images and AI-generated fake images spreading worldwide is a grave challenge, especially on the journalistic frontline in terms of transparency and credibility. To address such issues, the ET&S segment complies with C2PA* specifications and provides its Camera Authenticity Solution to verify image authenticity for media professionals, made possible using Sony’s in-camera digital signature technology. This technology is expected
to be introduced to a few select news agencies first, then incrementally expanded to be offered to all of them.

And that’s it for the camera business. Overall, the company is healthy and the forecasts are positive. Now we just need to see some new camera announcements :)

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