A900 versus A99. Image courtesy: Photoclubalpha
Long time Sony blogger David KIlpatrick posted the full A99 review at Photoclubalpha (Click here). And he is heavily criticizing Sony for releasing a camera like that: “In my British Journal review, I concluded that the Alpha 99 was between 30 and 50% over-priced and combined with the cost and limited range of Sony lenses there would be little good reason for any new full-frame entrant to prefer Sony over Nikon or Canon.”
and “Despite this, I would be very happy if Sony revived the highest end optical prism DSLR in future. An Alpha 900 quality version of the D600 would have been perfect. And I do not think I am alone in showing some regret for the apparent end of the single-lens reflex Alpha.”
Read the full article and comment his very detailed analysis. I have to say I found it honest and also a clear description of Sony’s current limitations. I hope Sony will take notice of it for the sake of the future FF camera development!
Meantime price is slowly falling down. You cna get a new A99 for 2499 Euro at [shoplink 16220 ebay]eBay Germany (Click here)[/shoplink] and 2430 Euro at [shoplink 16221 ebay]eBay UK (Click here)[/shoplink]. To get notified on more price drops save this search on Slidoo eBay (login to save it or change root country).