Sony A7rIV 61MP vs 240MP image comparison by Tony Northrup
Left: Sony a7R IV 60 megapixel photo (at 8:1). Right: Sony a7R IV 240 megapixel PixelShift photo (at 4:1). At 240 megapixels, you can see the vine is fake. I’m shook. I didn’t even notice it was fake in person.
— Tony Northrup (@tonynorthrup) 22. Juli 2019
The 240MP files from the A7rIV are surely going ot be stunning. Still, I wish Sony would implement an in-camera solution to elaborate the files…just like Panasonic does on their S1R! Please Sony work on that!
Sony A7rIV and new accessories:
Sony A7rIV in USA/CA at BHphoto, Adorama, FocusCamera, Amazon, BuyDig, Henrys.
Sony A7rIV in EU at Calumet DE, ParkUK, WexUK, Calumet NL.
Sony A7rIV in Asia at Sony Japan. Sony Australia.
Sony VG-C4EM grip in USA at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon, FocusCamera, BuyDig, ParkUK, WexUK.
ECM-B1M Digital Audio Shotgun Microphone at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Park UK.
XLR-K3M Mic at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon, FocusCamera, BuyDig, Park UK.