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Sony A7c: 2099 for body and 2399 with new pancake zoom kit lens. POLL: Will you buy it?

I can now confirm the EU pricing of the Sony A7c:

2099 Euro for the body only
2399 Euro for the body with the new pancake zoom kit lens

Basically you get an A7III in a smaller body and some new features for 200 Euro&Dollars more. What’s different from the A7III? New menu system, improved autofocus systems, fully articulating screen and so forth. But while I like the idea to have a sort of “compact A7III” I think the price should have been a bit lower. Althaugh sources said this camera nails it when it comes to the esthetics. So maybe that’s also something that will attract potential customers.

Will you buy the A7c with those specs and that price?

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