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Sony A77 review and in Stock in Canada and Japan (and how to recover a dead A77).


Sony A77 stabilisation and AF test from Remi Chapeaublanc // LeCrapo on Vimeo.

I am going to summarize the latest A77 I received from my readers. First of all the A77 is now in Stock at Amazon Japan and Sonystore Canada. And if you are from Aberdeen you will get the A77 body for GBP977.45 instead of GBP1149 (Thanks Kenneth for sending this).

Whatdigitalcamera (Click here) reviewed the A77: “Sony’s uncompromising approach to the Alpha A77 has produced a camera that not only matches some excellent competition, but beats them in a number of areas too“. The camera earns the “Gold Award“!

If you are already an A77 owner and you are experiencing some black out issues try this:
1. Turn off A77.
2. Take out battery.
3. Insert battery again.
4. Press these 3 buttons (Menu+Movie+Ael) simultaneously.
5. Turn on A77 and keep the 3 buttons pressed for 5 seconds. There will be a green spot “blinks” on the lower left corner of the LCD screen. Then “alpha logo” should show up again.

Here is the succes story of some who have tried this (page 5 of the thread): Dyxum forum.

Another SAR reader tested the Toshiba 95MB/s SDHC card on A77. See video on youtube here and here.

Reminder: The A77 1.03 firmware will be released within the next two weeks and fix most (if not all) the A77 isssues!

Preorder: the A77 at [shopcountry 8461]

UPDATE: The Sony A77 manual is available in 17 laguages at (Thanks B.)

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