Sony A7 with free extras for $1,193 at BigValue. How cheap will Full Frame be in one year by now?
[shoplink 32488 ebay][/shoplink]
The A7 with free extras sells now for $1,193 only on [shoplink 32488 ebay]Big Value on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. That’s a $100 off compared to the best price in other US stores. The same store also sells the [shoplink 32489 ebay]Nikon D610 for the same price[/shoplink].
This is just to say that Full Frame camera prices are now really crashing down. And I guess on one year we will se the first FF cameras priced at $1,000. So maybe for the first in the age of digital cameras Full Frame will become “affordable” like it was back in the analog era. And maybe in 3-4 years from now APS-C will be a niche while FF will be mainstream?
One more deal: One Sony A7r for $1,599 at [shoplink 32492 ebay]CameraLand on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].