We got some info about the shipment dates in Germany and UK: Calumetphoto (Click here) reports that the new GM lenses and the A6300 will start shipping on March 3 already (That’s almost 1 month earlier than US…if true!). While Jessops (Click here) reports a more general March delivery period.
EU preorder links:
A6300 body at Calumetphoto.de. Amazon.de. WexUK. Jessops.
A6300 with kit lens at Calumetphoto.de. Amazon.de. WexUK. Jessops.
24-70mm f/2.8 GM FE at Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.
85mm f/1.4 GM FE at Calumetphoto.de. WexUK. Jessops.