Sony A580, NEX-5 and Vivitar 85mm review
Kurtmunger (Click here) tested the Vivitar 85mm f/1.4 lens: “The inexpensive [shoplink 6161]Vivitar 85mm F/1.4[/shoplink] turned in a darn good performance, making an medium telephoto 85mm F/1.4 accessible to cost-conscious people, as this wonderful lens is priced $1000 less than the [shoplink 6052]Sony CZ 85/1.4 planar[/shoplink]! How does the Vivitar stand up to the CZ, or [shoplink 5979]Sony 85mm F/2.8 SAM[/shoplink]? I don’t have the CZ 85mm with me, but if memory serves me correctly(!), I think the CZ is sharper with better contrast at F/1.4, although I’m not sure about the mid-sections and corners, other differences can be culled from the Sony CZ 85mm F/1.4 review. The Sony 85mm F/2.8 SAM is very similar to the Vivitar in sharpness“.
Check out price and availability of the Vivitar lens at [shopcountry 6161].
Thisweekinphoto (Click here) tested the Sony NEX-5: “Back to the one question I have not answered, does the NEX-5 replace my Alpha 850 as an everyday camera. Since I shoot so little with flash or in a studio these days it really does, in fact I have let go of my A850 to a more deserving home already. I am not saying I wont own another DSLR or even the new Translucent Mirror Sony due out later this year, but I really like having a camera that is small and almost always on hand.”
Check out price and availability of the NEX-5 at [shopcountry 3003].
ThePhoBlographer (Click here) posted the complete Sony A580 review: “The a580 has performed masterfully in a variety of situations. It handled the hot, hot heat of Thailand and the confusing lighting of a concert in Brooklyn. It did well with sweaty hands and it recorded a number of videos in radically different locations with ease. The a580 is a prime choice, especially if you’ve got a bevy of great Minolta glass and if you’re not quite partial to the two SLTs, the a33 or a55.”
Check out price and availability of the A850 at [shopcountry 4617].