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Some A99 and A77 picture comparisons. A99 has no built-in Flash!

Rumor update: There was a small important error in the A99 specs transcription I posted yesterday. There is no built-in flash in the A99!

SAR readers sent me some very useful image comparison between the A99 and the [shoplink 8461]A77[/shoplink] and A900. The image on top is from Chad (Click on it to enlarge the picture).
Rob sent me this:  “Put together a size comparison of the a99+a77, as is obvious, the a99 is wider at the left hand side of the camera, and taller too ;D Sweet!
Ren sent me this: “Here is a link to an overlay I did of the a99 and a77 for size comparison. Thought you might want to share.!i=2074631963&k=XDRJp9z”
Thank you all guys!

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