Marc Alhadeff from SonyAlphablog tested the Sirui 24mm f/2.8 Anamorphic lens:
The Sirui 24mm F2.8 Anamorphic allows to discover anamorphic lenses for a very reasonable price (1000 euros) compared to some SLR Magic anamorphic lenses (2000-3000 euros) or PL mount pro anamorphic lenses (10.000 – 50.000 euros). Its wider field of view will be particularly useful to complement the Sirui 35mm F1.8 Anamorphic, Sirui 50mm F1.8 Anamorphic
Results are very good and really give a cinematic look to your videos, that you can’t achieve by just cropping top and bottom of a traditional lens
Highly recommended !
You can now preorder the new Sirui 24mm anamorphic E-mount lens at BHphoto (Click here).