Sigma “tech rep” says: “no plans on any A-mount lenses in the future”
Last week Sigma launched the preorder on two new lenses. But these are only available for Canon/Nikon and as a MC-11 kit for Sony E-mount:
24-70mm f/2.8 ART and MC11 bundle at BHphoto.
14mm f/1.8 ART and MC11 bundle at BHphoto.
SAR reader Antoine asked Sigma about their A-mount plans and got as official answer that they have “no plans on any A-mount lenses in the future“.
We should not take this tech rep’s answer as 100% accurate. Some times there are miscommunication issues. Other times they don’t have the full picture. Still it’s worrisome they are sharing such an answer to Alpha mount camera owners:
Ans Sigma’s answer:
The good news is that Sigma will definitely launch their frist native FE autofocus lenses this year. The first lens should be a 35mm f/1.4 ART lens. The second lens is more likely to be a zoom.