I LOOK & MOVE from Constantine Konovalov on the Sony a33/a550 and Tamron 17-50/2.8 lens.
A couple of days ago I posted the first part of the SAR readers work roundup. THis is the second part. Thank you all for submitting your work!
Nagendra: “Inspired by the article you had featuring Luca Rossini I have started a 365 days blog with NEX-3 (The first edition NEX) The blog is running for last 118 days. I would be most greatfull if you could check the blog and if found suitable publish it as part of Reader’s work roundup. The blog is running under two separate domains nklightart.wordpress.com and 365dayswithnex3.myfotojournal.com. The blog under nklightart.wordpress.com will be the one will continue to update. Will only be to update the 365dayswithnex3.myfotojournal.com till the free space limit exceeds.”
Phil: “we make proffesionell image videos for brands and products and work with the a77 & the nex 5 only. check out those 2 vids maybe you want to post 1 of them. https://vimeo.com/54924748 (Few GoPro shots as well) https://vimeo.com/56802359 (only 1 GoPro Shot)”
Kwan: “Have been using the Nex System with the introduction of the F3 and loving it! And now, with a Nex to Pentax adapter, more fun! My photos are available in http://kwan77.blogspot.com“
Taran: “almost all shots in this set with NEX. http://www.flickr.com/photos/artistwithlight/sets/72157632456864838/”
Alexey: “I want to share my video «Snow Nude. Girls among snowscapes.» It was shot this and last winter in Russia. Cameras were NEX-5N and NEX-6, with some NEX and Alpha lenses. http://youtu.be/jfFW2cb6JV0”
Anonymous: “Here is a set of SB images through various lenses. More will be added in time. http://www.flickr.com/photos/vivek-iyer/sets/72157632630886829/”
Lee: “This little beast compliments my sony nex 5n brilliantly for video work https://vimeo.com/58391656”
Jaakko: “i´m Sony photographer from Finland. Last year I was still using Nikon gear but I´m currently using Sony A99 and NEX6. If you or the SAR readers are interested I´m writing (mostly photos) a blog here http://www.postiphoto.blogspot.fi/ . I´m action/outdoor oriented photographer and so far the Sony gear has performed more than great. Haven`t missed the Nikon yet!”
Ivan: “I wanted to share 2 links with you (below). The first one is a interview I made and shot entirely with the a99. The second is the link to what could be the first underwater picture taken with the a99. This is the first videos of a series. Its divided in 3 parts so be sure to watch them all! They should start playing one after the other automatically as a playlist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Owoc9fEz1Iw&list=PLezpCwYgD_yvnu33n5zSPbrGFiDHxJOxO
James: “So I was one of the people who pre-ordered the a99 when it was announced, I have had it for a while and there are lots of images uploaded to my flickr page including my friends (low budget) wedding, but basically all kinds of stuff, I like the a99 because its very ergonomic, the fast switching between LCD to EVF, and so far it’s the best Sony SLR for low light. Oh yeah I also use the RX100, and I am super happy with it as well: flickr.com/photos/theprevia”
Bert: “On my journey to india I took a lot of pictures with the ‘oldskool’ NEX-5 and the 18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 lens with Hoya filter. In my opinion this NEX-lens is ideal for travelling if you don’t need a lot of zoom. The image quality is fine and especially the lightweight is a winner for me.You can find the pictures on my blog: http://nexblog.be/2013/01/06/nexblog-special-india/3722/”
Andrea: “Perceiving the look in your eyes https://vimeo.com/58352714. To be relaized the project needs your support at http://www.indiegogo.com/perceivinglooks. Shot on the A55, gli obiettivi usati sono un Tamron 17 – 50 2.8, un Minolta 50mm 1.7 e un Minolta 70 – 210 F4.”