SAR reader Nicolas wrote a free “LensChanger” APP for you!
I have released a new free application that could interest SonyAlphaRumors readers, as many of them may use alt lenses on A7 series.
A lot of alternative bodies, adapters, lenses etc don’t report lenses right, if any. LensChanger is an application that allow you to change lenses registered into xmp files (sidecar files for Raws), jpeg files, and tiff files through exif metadatas.
LensChanger as been designed as a standalone, lightweight, portable and very easy to use application. It can thus work with whatever software using xmp sidecar files for raws, like LightRoom, ApertureOne, etc… So, you can keep it on an USB drive and run it with a few clicks to get all your files with correct lenses.
you can use ‘Rewrite’ after having set a list of lenses to change to and a folder to work on. This allow you to have LensChanger to automatically rewrite some lenses into custom defined lenses, if your adapter or bodie doesn’t report lens you need.
Or you can directly manually select a few files (or entire folder) and directly override a custom lens into. For raws file, it will create an xmp file with lens data if none exist. So once you import them into Lightroom for example, the lens will be good ! Of course, is an xmp file is ever created by a raw editing software, all your datas (tags, rating, develop settings etc) will still be there!
All informations and downloads, both for Windows x64 and Mac OSX, are here:
This application is written by a photographer who needed it, and who decided to release it for everyone, for free.
Nicolas Genette,