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Samyang 85mm f/1.4 FE test by Lenstip: “grateful to independent producers for their good quality lenses”

Samyang 85mm FE lens at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.

Lenstip tested the new Samyang 85mm f/1.4 FE lens and liked it a lot:

I think we don’t even have to write a very lengthy summary in this case. If a lens of an independent producer three times cheaper than its well-done brand name rival fares in most categories better than the said brand name lens, you really don’t have to be verbose. 

We should be grateful to independent producers for their good quality lenses which are sold at normal prices. While developing new systems, brand name manufacturers are climbing new heights of absurdity with pricing new lenses launched on the market…

And now a funny side story:

Somebody in China modified the new Samyang lens in a way that it looks close to the Sony 85mm GM lens :)

Links to all Samyang/Rokinon FF E-mount AF lenses:
14mm f/2.8 at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.
24mm f/2.8 at BHphoto, Adorama. Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.
35mm f/2.8 at BHphoto, Adorama. Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.
35mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, Adorama. Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.
45mm f/1.8 at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.
50mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.
85mm f/1.4 at BHphoto, Adorama, Amazon. Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES.


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