RAW support for your RX100 ….and leaks the NEX-5R ;)
A SAR reader found that involuntary leak of the NEX-5R while reading the latest RX100 review at PCworld…all I can say is LOL :)
Some new RX100 news:
The many RX100 owners may be happy to know that Adobe (Click here) now supports the RX1oo (link via Outbackphoto). The RX100 popularity can be also notice by reading the huge amount of user reviews on Amazon (Click here to see the list). A good deal is available via Beach Camera (lot of extras!). First impressions at ThePhoBlographer. And don’t forget that there is a new [shoplink 13486 ebay]RX100 filter adapter (Click here)[/shoplink]
Hipe you will be online on SAR tomorrow afternoon at 3-4pm London time to follow the NEX-5R announcement!