Image courtesy: Quesabesde (UPDATE: wrong focus point on the A99 picture?)
Although Nikon dind’t officially unveil the sensor manufacturer it’s easy to guess that Sony manufactured the D600 sensor. And it’s likely based (or exactly the same) sensor used by the Sony A99.
Quesabesde (Translation here) analyzed the RAW image quality of the two cameras and came it looks like the Nikon D600 is a bit sharper although the A99 has a more harmonic balance between noise and details (so they say). But…
UDPATE: ….Our smart SAR readers had the patience to analyze the full size images and noticed that the in focus point is different for the two cameras. Our reader Ramire proved it by showing the focus point of the bill here:
Now the A99 looks to be sharper than the Nikon D600 :) As you see, always be careful on these reviews and tests.
UPDATE_2: Quesabesde assured me that the camera showed that the focus point was right. So these may be a problem of the A99 with Sigma lens. They will redo the test now.
A particular Thanks goes to all the SAR readers finding out the problem! Bravo!
Sony preorder list:
A99 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 with kit lens links Alphacameradeals.
RX1 Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Wex Germany Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 with kit lens Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex Uk ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG900 Amazon, BHphoto, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH, Wex Uk and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG30 Adorama, Amazon, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 16-50mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH, and more links at Alphacameradeals .
Sony E-mount 35mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 10-18mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony A-mount 300mm f/2.8 Amazon, BHphoto, Sonystore DE–UK–FR–IT–ES–NL–SE–FI–CH.