POLL: Should Sony re-establish the “Rokkor” brand on Sony lenses?
[shoplink 7518 ebay][/shoplink]
Some “higher forces” asked me to publsih this poll to ask the community if they would like Sony to re introduce the “Rokkor” brand on future lenses. This would help to get away from those boring names like “SAL-30M28” or “DT 35mm f/1.8 SAM Lens” and anchor the future lenses on a glorious past. You can read a bit of history at Camerapedia, Alphatracks, and Minolta.rokkor.de.
You can still get [shoplink 7518 ebay]Rokkor lenses on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] and use them on your NEX cameras!
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P.S.: Don’t ask me who those “higher forces” are :)