The last couple of years we heard a lot about the digital camera market being in crisis and the new mirrorless system cameras not taking off. Well, the Photokina partner agency GFK shared some unexpected data (Source: MirrorlessRumors):
1) Revenue increasing:
While it’s true that in terms of numbers the companies are selling less cameras it’s also true that companies are selling more high profit margin premium cameras! This means the last couple of years average price of the cameras increased (and therefore also the profit margins increased).
2) Mirrorless is taking off (slowly).
While Mirrorless keeps being not popular in US it’s taking off in all the rest of the world.
3) Premium fixed lens camera is growing fast
Sony certainly did the right thing with the RX line. They offered a premium and class leading range of fixed lens camera that are to-day unmatched by other companies.
The current trend in the market goes in favour of Sony that leads the probably two fastest growing segments in the digital camera market: Mirrorless and premium compacts. And as an addendum watch this nice graph that explains why smartphone users actually buy a larger sensor camera: