Leaked Samyang 135mm f/1.8 FE lens specs


Our source “M.” sent us the specs of the soon to be announced new Samyang 135mm f/1.8 FE lens:

13 elements in 11 Groups
Shortest shooting distance:0.7m
Filter :82mm
size:  Φ93.4 x 129.6 mm

Announcement should be in January (P.S.: Somebody knows the exact date?).


Sony Tidbits…


50mm f/1.2 Showdown: Canon vs Nikon vs Sony

Sony 200-600 mm Lens for Astrophotography? (SonyAlphaForum).
American-Made Memory Cards and More from Delkin Devices (Explora).
Photography for Beginners Guide (42West).
Great Photography YouTube Channels To Watch In 2022! (Peter Forsgård)
90mm f2.8 vs. 85mm f1.8 (SonyAlphaForum).

Personal photos and tests from SAR Admin Andrea on Instagram, Facebook, Flickr and 500px.

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Note: In groups you can post your own stuff like images, news and questions. While on pages you will read the specific camera news from SAR.


This week SAR readers photos selection



Visualizza questo post su Instagram


Un post condiviso da The Sony Alpha community. (@sonyalphagallery)

by pharaohphotography⁠
Model : @itslindacarol Happy New Year 2022!⁠
Lighting : @profoto B10 constant light with 3′ octabox and neon lights @the_fancy_loft⁠
Camera : Sony A9M1⁠
Lens : Sony 85mm f1.4 GMaster⁠
Aperture : f1.4⁠
ShutterSpeed : 1/200⁠
ISO : 400⁠

1) You can submit one single picture per week only.
2) To submit your picture for the weekly readers roundup post you can choose one of the following three options:
Instagram: Follow @sonyalphagallery and tag us on your picture to give us the permission to repost your image on the instagram gallery and on SAR (we will credit you)
Facebook: Submit your picture on our group: facebook.com/groups/sonyalphacamera. Please add the hashtag “#sonyalphagallery ” to grant the permission for reposting on SAR. Without the hashtag we will not add your picture!
Forum: Submit your picture on the SonyAlphaForum image section and add the hashtag “#sonyalphagallery
3) Like and comment the pictures from other readers here: instagram.com/sonyalphagallery, facebook.com/groups/sonyalphacamera and on SonyAlphaForum.
4) A selection of most liked pictures by the community and by me SAR admin will be posted weekly on SAR.

Note: When sending a pic feel free to also add a link to your site to promote yourself! And please do share one single picture per week only. Do not spam :)
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